From Gravey1 on Glass Shards:
This is amazingly epic, and purely cinematic. It has the strength of a grown man, yet the innocence of a child. The wisdom of an elder, yet the tenderness of a young mother. The pure emotion in this piece is simply stunning on all level possible.
I sit back, and I listen for the third time. There are children playing in a field, while their grandfather watches on from the home. The landscape is green with life, and vibrant colors fill the eyes.
The scent of flowers and pollen fills my nose and I take in this beautiful spring afternoon. The children play, oblivious to the constant turning of the earth. Time stands still for them, but grandfather knows better.
His time on this earth is limited. So it is with a sad heart that he takes in this beautiful day with his family, possibly soon to be his last. Sadness fills his heart, along with many other emotions.
He feels pride for his son. Grandfather taught him well, and made a good man out of him. The family is in safe hands for the future, and nothing could make the old man prouder.
Love, for everyone he has known in his life. Family, friends, lovers, even mere acquaintances met in passing. There are so many faces, yet so few names. So many reasons to sit back and realize how truly wonderful and fulfilling this life has been.
And of course the sadness. The longing to fix so many missed opportunities. Although his life has been rich in countless way, he can not sit and think that there were not things he wishes he could go back and change.
But all of these emotions are pushed aside as he refocuses on his grandchildren. The family dog has joined them in a jubilant game of fetch. It is their favorite game to play with their canine pal, and it never ceases to amaze grandfather how much they truly enjoy the sport.
All of a sudden clouds arise, a storm is approaching. No bother, grandfather calls the children and family pet inside where they all have a warm cup of tea and watch the rain. It has turned into a lazy afternoon for the family, as outdoor activities have been suspended. All the better for grandfather.
He decides to take this time to really show the children one last time how much they mean to him. He gives the grandchildren a gift each. For the boy, a lovely watch. It is round and gold plated. The boy holds it up and swings it back and forth by it's chain. He could not be happier. Grandfather embraces the child for a long moment.
Then he gives the granddaughter her gift. It is a silver bracelet, with her name inscribed on the back of it. It shines metalic in the light coming from the fireplace. It is the exact bracelet she saw in the store a week before, and begged mother to get for her.
Sadly, they did not have the money to spend. But grandfather always pulls through for his special little Abigail. With eyes as round as apples she springs onto grandfather and wraps her arms around him. A tear comes to his eyes as he hold her tight to his chest.
As the children are mesmerized by their gifts, grandfather stands and moves into the kitchen. Mother and father get up and quietly follow. It is at this tme that grandfather bares his soul.
Tears flow freely from his face as he recalls the many shortcomings in his life. From his failed first marriage, to the loss of his first daughter in a car accident. Personal sacrifices he has made through the years nobody even knew of roll from the tip of his tongue. He can't even control it now, completely consumed by the swirl of emotions consuming him.
And as abruptly as he began, grandfather is finished. He looks up at his daughter-in-law with love in his eyes. Then turns to his son and beams with pride, tears welling up in his eyes yet again. Despite all of his shortcomings and mistakes, he did well for those he loved in his life. And it is with this resolve, that he gathers himself and moves towards his bedroom.
He tells everyone goodnight, and kisses the grandchildren on their foreheads. For he knows, this is his last night. Never, to wake again.
5/5 and 10/10
Thanks Gravey ^^ you're superspecialawesome
So i was gonna make a cool image thingy here with glass and blood in 3ds max. I USED TO BE THE SHIT. So I thought I could just open it up, and be like LOL PRETTY. But NO, I OPENED IT AND I WAS LIKE SHIIIIIIT
P.S. I'm not an angry person.